Saturday, June 25, 2011

Great Grand Pa's 85th B'day

Backdated: October 2010

Gosh.. this is really one very back dated blog post. I totally forgot about this till I saw the photo folder on my desktop.

We celebrated Dillion's Paternal GrandPa's 85th b'day in a rented bungalow chalet. If you noticed the photos posted below, you would have noticed the quality difference compared to my other photos on this blog.

Photos are taken using Canon DSLR- EOS 550D.. courtesy of my sis-in-law..

Being the 1st great grand son.. Dillion always share the honour of blowing the candles on their birthdays:

Joined by his lil bro- Damien.. sharing the limelight:

The Ngs Clan:

The Feast

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