Monday, August 20, 2012

Weekend photos: 21 July 2012

iPhone junkie #1.. Both boys busy networking over lunch after a visit to Ikea

We decided to have an active Saturday evening by walking to
Bishan Park via a park connector just opposite our place.

After a NDP jet flew past

We finally reached Bishan Park after walking for 20 min. 
Bad choice as we had to handle a super whiney Dillion
whom was so tired out from walking.

iPhone junkie #2.. gonna cut down on their usage

Eversince we bought our iPhone last Nov, the boys had been monopolising our phone whenever we were out dinning or whenever we think that they can be a good babysitting tool to keep them still so that we can eat or do our things in peace.

Yes, there had been many criticism on them using too much iPhone. And we also noticed that Damien's had a fiery temper which we do not know if this had got to with too much visual excite from watching iPhone

As he can get frustrated with his favourite video on Youtube takes time to load (due to no or weak WiFi ) when we were out.

So, we decided to really cut down on them using iPhone. Our house rule now is no one is allowed to use the iPhone untill they had finished their meal proper.


Jane said...

Hope you'll be successful in "weaning" them off excessive iphone usage. I also have a very big problem getting them not to play the iphone when I'm not around, esp when they're at grandma's house over the weekend. I hope hope hope hope hope they won't get short sighted because of all this phone usage.

I totally agree that my boys get excessively irritable when they're using the iphone for a prolonged period of time. I took a long time to convince my husband about this point. Have yet to convince the grandma about this point though. She thinks its a great babysitting tool still.

D boys' Mum said...

Hi Jane,
so far there had been some hits n misses.. but we are really trying so we will start with feeding D2 with finger food or sorts n then iPhone will be the very last resort.

THeir Grandma also thinks that iphone is like her life saviour!