Friday, October 5, 2007

Milestone- 6th Month

Dearest Dillion..
You have reach the halfway mark of 1 year.
Mummy started you early on semi-solid even though WHO recommend to start after 6 month.
Your progression to Nestle & Heinz rice cereal was smooth and you enjoy your meal by kicking in excitement. You always look at us hungrily when we are eating.
Am so glad that when we introduce new food to you, you took it pretty well with no allergic reaction.

You no longer sleep through the night. Thats sad news for Daddy & Mummy as we have to pat you to sleep. So you will end up sleeping in between us on our bed.
Though its a squeeze for not-so-skinny us, but we love to see your smiley face the very moment we open our eyes.

You are better with your hands and able to hold the bottle on your own and will also reach out for toys near you

You love to stick out your tongue whenever your laugh.

You can finally flip from your back to tummy vice versa.. Mummy is really proud of your achievement.

Though your motor development may be slower but your eating skills and technique is much better and faster then your peers. You must have inherited this from Daddy *wink*.

Time passes so fast and see you grow and surprising us with your antics makes us want to be there to witness every moment.

Daddy & Mummy love you to bits!

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