Friday, October 26, 2007

Visit to PD- 6th month

We brought Dillion for his last Hep B jab..
Dillion on the weighing scale & looking at the pretty nurse:
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He now weigh 8.2kg, 69cm long and head cir 44cm. He has outgrow the weighing scale so on the next visit, he will be sitting on the machine instead

His favourite toy in Dr Ong's room
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Here comes the jab!
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All is well and Dr Ong gave us the green light to start D on semi-solids like cereal and porridge.
He also told us to add spinach, pumpkin, banana, apple blah blah.. we told him D had already eaten all that he mention. However Dr Ong say threadfin fish is to be given only after 7 month due to allergen. Luckily D had eaten them few weeks back and nothing happen.

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