Sunday, November 18, 2007

Good weekend

I'm having Monday blues.. I miss weekends and why can't we work 4 days and get 3off days then our life will be more balanced. We had a great time as a family last weekend. No major meltdowns from D compared to last week when he was super cranky and clingy. He will watch his DVD or lay on the floor mat and play on his own. He scored many first on weekend which amuses and thrilled the adults and make Mummy so proud and happy:
He uttered his first words "Deh deh deh deh".. ok it sounds like Daddy. Yes i am super jealous.. i called D- "traitor" when i first heard him say. Nevertheless I'm grinning from ear to ear. Now everything to him is "deh deh deh"
Sit unsupported
He sat on his own for much longer duration on Sat.. and entertained everyone at home with his antics and laughter.

P.s.: Think my son can perform 大头娃娃
Special Talent
He can curl his tongue side ways.. i can't do it, Kevin also can't do it.. only his 姑姑 (Kevin's sis) can do it. Not sure this is in the genes or he imitate her. Look at his tongue closely:

My little mischief..

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