Saturday, November 10, 2007

Milestone- 7th Month

Dearest Dillion,
It's unbelievable that it has only been 7 months because it sure feels like you have been with us for a long time and the family isn't complete without you.

You have a mind of your own now. You must always have a toy with you and if one were to attempt to remove it, you will scream on top of your lungs showing your displeasure. We have to distract you by carrying you away and you will stop crying immediately.

You will always shake your hands vigorously to reject plain water. Mummy gets mad when you just push the bottle away aggressively.

We see that you enjoy your bath time with your ducky companion such that you give a big wail everytime your Daddy carries you away. You have grown so much since your newborn days whereby you behave like a scareddy cat during bath time.

Daddy & Mummy realised you have a fiery temper. We hope to instill the right discipline but we know you are still too young to understand so we always talk to you hopefully you will one day.

You love to talk and sing together with us. We love to see you smile after a hard day at work. Seeing you melts all our worries away..

You are sleeping lesser during the day. Taking only cat nap at times and will only sleep longer if someone carry you. Your night routine is much better now as you are able to fall asleep on your own when i lie down beside you. You will sleep from 10pm till 7.30am almost everyday.
You also love squeezing between Mummy & Daddy on the bed. Though we often suffer from back ache due to poor sleeping posture but its all worth it when you roll over and touch our face lovingly or tug on my clothes to wake me up.

Dillion you are growing up so fast and look like a big baby now.

You are still a good baby in our eyes. Our love for you multiply as the days pass. We are so blessed to have you as our SON!

Daddy & Mummy

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