Saturday, November 10, 2007

Spoilt brat

Dillion was playing with a toy and i wanted to demo how to play. The moment i lay hands on his toy (not even removing from his hands), he gave a big wail.
Those cry as if one has snatch his toy and ran away.

I was shocked and angry. When did my baby develop this selfish act? When did he mould into this kind of character and showing signs of an only child syndrome and behaviour of a spoilt brat.

Needless to say, i scolded him. This has been on my mind.. I do hope this is just a passing phrase and a normal reaction from a 7month old baby.
If he step into toddler hood, this is to be continue even after countless talking to, I have to say sorry that i will use wooden stick as last resort.

Nobody like it. Even me myself had traumatic experience from it especially when you have scars on your thighs. But this is how we were being brought up in our generations.

Just have to pray hard that my boy will give me an easy time when he grows up.

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