Friday, October 10, 2008

A little about Dillion..

At 18 months.. these are Dillion's developments and milestones:

What he can say:
New words :
1. Neck
2. Eyes
3. Flower
4. Soo soo (Shoes)
5. Kick Ball
6. Bow Bow(elbow)
7. Air (Hair)
8. Um (umbrella)
9. Shirt
10. Walk
1. O (orange)
2. Daddy (improvised version of Da-da)
3. Ma-ma (Mummy/Grandma)
4. Ball
5. Apple
6. Nana (bananas)
7. Eight
8. Boh (Teochew way of No)

What he can recognise:
1. ABC
2. numbers 1, 8 & 9
3. Birds/Cat/Dogs/Elephant/Monkey/Frog/fish
4. Aeroplane/cars/bicycle
5. Most of facial & body parts. still learning where is his 'Arms, Shoulders, Knees
6. Pick up and recognise mummy's and daddy's clothes

What he can do/understand:
1. Pack his toys when we sing "Clean up clean up"
2. Able to sit still when its story time
3. Will grab a pillow to lie down proper when he sees milk and then shove the bottle to our hands when he is done
4. Give a wet kiss, a hug and a pat
5. Sleep through on most night but still need Mummy beside to fall asleep
6. Starting to shake his heads to answer 'No' (one of Terrible 2 behaviour)
7. Rub his hands under running water and shake them dry

Able to sign:
Please, Thankyou & Sorry
Potty & Diaper change
More,No more
Birds, Dogs, cat and fish
Brushing teeth/washing hands/shampoo

Motor skills:
1.Do a circular motion with both hands
2.Hold a pencil/brush and doodle
3.Kick a ball when sitting/standing
4.Able to shake instruments and stop it when instructed
5.50% able to self-feed. Can drink from a cup but with bit of spilage
6.Able to point at where he want to go or what he wants
7. Pull the zip up and down

Physical Development:
Although he is still crawler at 18mths but recently he is cruising much more.
Able to cruise when holding on to the wall.
And willing to walk when one hold both his hands.
Able to stand unsupported for 1-2 mins.

1 comment:

Mummy A said...

Wow, D can do so many things!! Very good!
Well done, Dillion.