Thursday, November 20, 2008

Korea- Day 5, Wednesday...

Woke up bright and early again and we went to :
Osaek Mineral Spring
"From three base rocks at the resort come rivulets flowing with water high in iron and carbonic acid, which is good for stomach-ailments, anemia, and neuralgia"

The water taste like Isotonic drink

Nice tree.. trees in Korea are so kawaii.. very scenic!

Daebohan Seafood Market
Its a market where we can see live seafood.. nothing fantastic but D had fun with public telephone booth

Mt Sorak

Our tour leader claimed that one will strike lottery if you touch the statue:

We took a cable car and mountain trekking to reach the top of the mountain. Nice view from the top!

Our dinner:

Our Hotel- Oak Valley..
One of the best that we have stayed. It spacious with a living room & kitchenette

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