Thursday, November 20, 2008

Korea- Day 8, Saturday..

Our last day at Korea.. a tinge of sadness because we bonded very well with 36 tour members and we were like a big family. They were all helpful in entertaining and babysit D whilst we eat.

Last day was spent going to shops like Ginseng, Dong Chung Chao as well as their local products shop.
Not forgetting our tour leader brought us to Face Shop where they have mandarin-speaking retail staffs. Everyone spend a bomb there.

I'm pleased with my loot from the Face Shop which is the only stuffs worth buying in Korea!

At the airport, waiting for our air tickets to be issued..

With our tour leaders:

D watching his Leapfrog DVD on the plane. He watched it 3 times!

On return flight back to S'pore, we were well prepared by keeping the snack bag underneath our seat. There were no passengers beside us so D get to have his own seat. Otherwise he will have to sit on Daddy's lap.

I finally completed my 8 days itinery. We miss the cool weather in Korea and D came back with a rosy cheeks!

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