Friday, November 21, 2008

Rough patch for Mummy..

The week before we left for Korea, it was difficult and trying time for me and Dillion.

I put him under his great grandma care for 3 weekdays so that I can run errands and prepare for our trips. Not sure if its because of this, Dillion rejected me for many days.

When the whole brood is at home, I have accepted the fact that I'm his last choice of preference to be with.
But he only wants his Mummy to cuddle him and accompanied him to sleep for the night so this sort of compensate for the fact that he is not close to me.

For the first 3 days in Korea.. it was hell for me.
Dillion only wanted his Daddy and no one else. He will not even allow me to carry him.
He refused to sit on my lap on the coach.. and will cry 'Daddy, daddy' when Daddy is out of his sight.

He is so ultra sticky and manja to the extend of pulling me to the gents to look for his Daddy dearest.

When comes to bed time in Korea, he did not want me beside him and cried and insisted Daddy to carry and rock him to sleep.

His behaviour broke my heart and I was shattered! Because i simply don't understand why the sudden change in him. I was very angry as well because it took me time, patient and effort to train him to fall asleep without patting, lullaby and rocking.
I'm sad that my boy do not want me anymore even at night.

I broke down on the 2nd night in Korea as its really demoralising seeing Dillion crying so badly for his Daddy.

Daddy on the other hand was supportive of me and also patient with Dillion.
I'm very thankful that he agreed and refused to accede to D's request to rock and also let him cry himself to sleep in Korea for 2 nights.

We may sound like cruel parents but we don't practised this at home .. we can only do this in Korea without anyone intervention.

3rd night in korea, Kevin went and 'hide' in the toilet which enable\ me to spend some time with Dillion.
I'm relieved that D did not fuss and slept with me accompanying him.

Situation improved after that.. and I felt much better.

Back in S'pore.. skies are cleared and I got my boy back with me at night.
I used to complain about D wasting my precious time accompanying him to sleep at night.. now I better keep my mouth shut!!

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