Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Slight improvement..

Many thanks to those of you whom have left me messages and sms-es to comfort me on D's poor eating appetite..

D is having slight cough hence this could be one of the reasons affecting his appetite.
And also I'm hoping that it could be due to teething of his Cuspid which is long over due!

His appetite improved yesterday and ate a few more mouthful before he starts his spitting antics.

Whats for lunch:

Bought 8 pieces of Yong Tou Foo from the market for only $1.60. And threw in spinach, mushroom and mince meat into the ikan bilis stock, served with rice:

And steamed fresh threadfin fish using light soya sauce, fish sauce, sesame oil, white pepper and tomatoes (recipe from Gastromama):

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