Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Sunday night, Dillion woke up at midnight scratching his legs and could not go back to sleep.
We were shocked to see patches that looks like mozzie bites all over his legs. We realised thats skin allergy as none of us had mozzie bite at all.

We applied layer of Mopiko, Calamine lotion and Aloe Vera gel to soothe the itch. We were so worried and do not know whats the cause of this breakout.

Dillion is not allergy to any food that i know since we been feeding him all kinds of stuffs. Perhaps is a tiny bit of prawn that i given him that night.. but he ate prawns before and nothing happen.

Or perhaps its the Johnson baby lotion that contains Vit E which I applied on his legs for the first time? He been using Johnson's BedTime body lotion all the while till i changed to the one which contains Vit E.

I'm a guilty mum!! I'm may be the indirect cause of his allergy! And so frustrating that we do not know whats the cause so that we can avoid the food/lotion in future.

Next morning, the rashes on his leg subside but it somehow spread to both his arms:

Thankfully Dillion was not cranky at all, behaving normally at home.. playing with his favourite toys for the moment:

The rashes on his hands subside in the afternoon.. otherwise we have to bring him down to KKH- A&E!

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