Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mobile blogging..

This is my 1st mobile blog post sent via my latest tech toy- iPhone4S ever since i started this blog..

All along the Husband and I been using not-so-smart phone since the start of the Apple craze.
I do not want Dillion to hog my phone everytime I am at home.

But when we had a chance to purchase iPhone without having to queue, we jumped on the bandwagon and got each other a iPhone.

It was fun Whatsapp-ing with Kevin and he sent me this photo so I tried to post it whilst I was walking to the train station..

Viola.. my first blog posted via my iPhone.

So more mobile blog posting to come!


Jane said...

Yah, the camera is really quite clear. And mobile blogging is also very easy because I've tried using my husband's iphone 3 to blog before. But I'm also concerned that if I buy an iphone and whip it out ever so often to snap photos of the boys, they'll be hankering after my phone to play games. They're always coveting my mum's iphone and my husband's iphone. If I get one, very hard to restrict my ultra strict "no touching iphones on weekdays" policy. Hiyah ...

D boys' Mum said...

same as D1 too. thats why we din get smart phone ever since the craze started.
even till now, i had to tell my iphone is actually iTOuch and i din download that many apps for my iphone