Thursday, November 3, 2011

Dental Check up..

Its funny how Dillon's eyes always lit up when I tell him that he needs to get his teeth checked.
And he would look forward eagerly to the appointment.

It was Oral Health Month 2011 and was held at Junction 8 in August. There were free dental check up at the marques. I bought D there and was disappointed as I would have assume is basic cleaning of teeth instead the dentist only roughly look into his teeth with his mirror and told us "oh he has holes in his teeth".

That set me in panic mode as she say "go make a appointment with the dentist ASAP".

We actually had a appointment with the School Dental centre in Nov and I decided to take the plunge and brought him to a private dental clinic in September. As I had heard of horror stories of kids with bad tooth decay needing to go for GA for surgery.

Dental check up on 19 Sep 2011:

This check up burnt a hole! It cost me $110 for this cleaning/polishing job. The Dentist took about an 1 hour and did a very detailed cleaning and also 'patch the hole' in his teeth.

And my boy just sat through the whole process!! Though he kept fidgeting and laughing with the Doc.

If its me, i probably freak out at the thought of visiting Mr Dentist..

The difference between spending $9 vs $100 is time spent on the teeth. And D have nice set of white teeth when he was done!

Its a pity, i forgot to take a shot of his teeth!

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