Monday, August 27, 2012

Road to Independence...

At almost coming to 5.5 year old, we decided that he is big enough to shower on his own..
And he is enjoying bath time with the rain shower! I will still rinse him at the end of it .

Dish washing..  I made a pact with him the when he turns 7year old, he have to help with the dishes. Well, he volunteered to start now .. so why not. Gave him a Ikea stool and ta-da! So far, he had been quite responsilbe in washing and even helped with Damien's cup.

First: Rinse the cup
Second: Soap it
Third: Rinse the soap away..

Hanging the laundry..  We don't do this everynight as I think he actually made the whole process longer for me. So I only allowed him to help me on weekend.

He had grown so much taller that he realised he was able to hang up the clothes with the rod


Jane said...

I gave up with trying to get K to help out with laundry because we do our laundry so late now. I typically hang close to midnight.

But washing dishes is a very good idea that I've not thought of yet. I need some time to convince everyone at home about the idea, hee maybe can aim to do it at 7 years old like you also =)

D boys' Mum said...

Jane, we shall see how long this novelty will last. He is not really keen in laundry nowadays.. but more on dish washing