Wednesday, October 8, 2008

18 Months ..

Dear Dillion
You are reaching the halfway mark of your big 2. Mummy had spent 1month at home with you.. and truly blessed for the chance to witness your growing up, milestones and achievements..

You surprised us with your many new words this month.

You can now blow the whistle, kick the ball pretty well, climb up steps of the slides ..

Although you have showed us that you are displaying your Terrible Twos behaviour.. and we certainly do not like it. But we try our best to teach you right and not always give in to your whims and fancy.

You are big boy now.. everytime when you are asleep, Daddy & I will look at each other and say "Thats our boy and he has certainly grown"

We prayed that you be healthy, chirpy and happy always!


Daddy & Mummy

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