Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Milk time..

Dillion likes to cross his leg when he drinks his milk like a tow kay (boss):

Once he is done.. he will get up and say 'Neh' and passed me the bottle for washing.
He used to cast or throw the bottle aside but now he is big boy and able to understand instructions.

Since we are on topic of Milk.. Let me digress and blog about introducing Cows milk to him.

I realise that my boy is a stubborn lil' mule!
He can drink strawberry packet milk using straw. But if I give him the vanila flavoured ones, he rejected them and even spit it out.
So i transferred the vanila milk to his bottle then he willingly drank them.

Aww... this bugger is not versatile at all! And I realise he won't accept formula in his straw bottle or sippy cups unless its served in his milk bottle.

I guess he will have to continue and suck on his bottle till he is wean off formula milk!

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