Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Why GUG?

I have been asked by a few friends on why I send D to GUG or what so good about them amongst the rest like Kinder/Gymboree/My Gym etc.. or am i hot housing D?

I would not say GUG is the best but because of my own person reasons:

1. the location as its nearest to our place at Bishan. You see we don't have a car so sometimes i have to bring him to lessons myself so locations is important

2. Since D will soon or may have to go childcare next year. I would think that he needs a classroom environment with similar activities like story telling, arts and craft.. to get him mentally prepared. To improve his social skills.

3. As he still a crawler.. i hope there be peer pressure to encourage him to walk.

4. Lastly, my main intention is to let him have fun in class.. and definitely not with an intention for him to be the smartest kid around. So I do not do any revision of stuffs like phonics with him at all.

Although D did not or rather not able to tell me if he likes GUG anot as he still crawls away at times during story time or not participating in clapping or taping the mat but i am pretty sure he loves art and craft as he is always the first to complete his mini project.
And its the only session he is co operative with me in sitting on the chair and play with paints.
His projects so far:

My options are still open so I would be attending trials at other places as I'm intending to let D try out other schools during weekday.

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