Saturday, October 25, 2008

This week happenings.. Fever strikes!!!!

We were out at Junction 8 on Mon evening when I felt D's forehead was warm. Fed him paracetamol and he did not want his last milk feed.

Kevin took leave and we brought D to the GP. Fever was moderate for the whole day. No appetite for milk at all but was able to take his solids. Have to spoon feed him water in order to keep him hydrate.

D was in his usual self and not restless at all. Thank God.

Kevin took half day leave to help me out as both of us did not have enough sleep.
Fever gone down finally and he recovered.
Finally able to drink his 1st and last milk feed.

Thurs & Fri
Home alone with the boy as Daddy has to work. It was tough handling D as he turned super sticky to me at home.
Clinging on to me like a kola when he wakes up in the morning and after his nap.
Refused to be put down and even need me to accompany him to watch his Barney.
Ended up he sat on the kitchen floor watching me cook his meals.
Milk appetite back to normal but still rejecting his afternoon milk feed.

After D's fever episode in June, Kevin and I are better prepared and handled the situation pretty well.
We fed paracetamol diligently for every 3 hours which help to bring down his fever fast.
And I did not fret over D's poor appetite and did not force him to eat or drink.
GP did advise that due to his molar eruptions, he may not want to drink his milk as its painful having to suck the teat.

We do not know why Dillion became so sticky to us at home that I told Kevin that D is like a leech at home.. clinging on to me.
Photo taken using my laptop's web cam when i had to accompany him to watch his Barney:

D laid on my legs (refusing to let me go to the kitchen to prepare his meals)for half and hour whilst watching his Barney.. which is very rare of him as he will normally moves around the house, messing things up.

1 comment:

Jane said...

kaizer NEEDs someone to accompany him when he watches barney at my parent's place. he's actually ok watching wheels on the bus when he's at his own home. maybe barney is scary looking, hahaa