Monday, November 17, 2008

18 month jab..

We brought Dillion for his 18th month booster jab the week before we left for our holiday.

His stats:
Weight: 10.1 kg
Height: 83cm

As usual his weight and height remains pathetically at 25 percentile and head circum at 75percentile.

PD asked if he had been eating well anot and why still not gaining weight??
I wished i have the answer too.. D is not eating as much as before as he is starting to pick on his food.

PD suggest to give small snacks/meals in between like banana smoothies, cheese etc.

His gross motor skills and language are fine.

He kept wanting to walk out of the consultation room.. guess he knows he will be poked. He let out a short 5 sec yelp after the needle went in.
When we were ready to go.. he waved said "BYE" to the PD for the first time which caught us by surprise!!
Seem like he can't wait to leave the room!

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