Monday, November 17, 2008

We are back and we survived!!!!!

We are back from our 8D 7N winter holiday to Korea. I'm relieved that we survived this trip together with Dillion. We were apprehensive whether we can handle him and take good care of him during the cold weather but we were glad that we made the right decision to tough it out so that we can be better prepared for our next holiday.

The Planning stage
Initially, my plan was to go Melbourne to visit my cousin and his newborn girl. But Kevin was not keen as it requires planning and travelling if we were to go on F&E.
So he suggested winter in Korea. Since I don't have earning power.. so i better keep my mouth shout :)

Stress Stress Stress
3 weeks before departure, I sorta regretted not staying firm to my decision to go Melb since the Aussie$ been depreciating and weather is just right for D. And also if we were to follow the tour group which means D will not get to nap and we always have to be on the go.
But its to late to change our travel plans since air tickets had been issue. So we left it to fate and just have to pray hard that none of us will fall sick.

Packing for the baby is another big load of stress.. as the winter clothing, diapers, 900g tin of FM took up bulk of the space so I do not know if Kevin can single handily carry 1 large suit case, 1 duffel bag and 1 haversack whilst i carry Dillion together with his diaper bag.

I don't know how D will behave when he is on the flight. Will he feel the air pressure?, will he gets cranky and refuse to co operate with us?

In a Nutshell
We had a bad time on board the plane with a hyper active boy that we almost wanted to get off the plane.. which I will blog about it later.
The weather in Korea was COLD.. temp around 5-15 degree.
We wore layer of clothes and very thankful that no one fell ill except for a nasty insect bite on D's forehead.
Although D would not remember the sights in Korea but we knew that he had fun as we bonded as a family.
His routine was disrupted as his nap and meal times all went hey-wired. He was cranky on the bus but we were grateful to our tour members for being so accomodating to us as Dillion won their hearts with his antic and kisses.

Please be patient with me whilst i blog about our adventure in Korea!

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