Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Korea- Day 1, Saturday..

8th Nov, Saturday
We had a not so fantastic meal at Popeyes @Terminal 1 since we have 2 hours to kill before we board our 10.40pm flight to Korea.

Did a bit of shopping at DFS. We bought a portable DVD player on impulse as we are worried that D will turn into a terror on the coach

I almost got into trouble with the Customs when they spotted a scissors in my diaper bag during the scan!! My heart almost skipped a beat when they question me and said that I should be aware that no sharp object are allowed on the flight.
The scissors had all along been in the bag and it did not occur to me that its a prohibited object.
They refused to returned it back to me even after I explained that my innocent looking Hello Kitty scissors is to cut my baby's food! arrgh! &%^&

So mummies.. don't make the same silly mistake as me!

Before the flight
As our flight clashed with D's bed time. We had a hard time handling a cranky boy whom keep wanting to wander around, touching anything he sees.
And we had to resist not giving him his milk so that he can drink it during take off.
Ended up feeding him raisins to shut him up.

During the flight
Before taking off, D refused to sit on Daddy's lap and keep wanting to wander around. Nothing can distract or entertained him.

When the plane is on the runway, preparing to take off.. D refused to drink his milk!!! I was in panic mode as his snack bag was kept away and I had nothing for him to munch to relieve his ear pressure.
Thankfully, the air stewardess gave us some sweets when she saw D whining and struggling to free himself from Daddy's embrace.

The sweets did help as D was happily chewing them.. and he did not take his milk for the night.

The bugger finally slept a while later.

Touch down
D again refused to drink his milk so we left him alone. He did not cry when the plane landed at Korea at 6.40am.

It was a stressful 6 hour flight with a toddler whom do not follow our instructions and refused to sit still.

He was a disturbance and a nuisance to the passengers as it was a night flight and most of them are sleeping.

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