Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Korea- Day 2, Sunday...

We landed at 6.40am and we were whisked to our first tourist attraction in Incheon- Wolmido Island to see and feed the sea gulls with prawn crackers:

Incheon- Chinatown..
No photos taken as most shops are not open for business yet and starting to drizzle.

Cheong Wa Dae - the President’s official residence

Its turning cold so Daddy tucked Dillion into his oversize jacket that cost him $5 only!

Our first lunch @Korea- Ginseng Chicken
Tender meat with rice grained stuffed in it. They serve free flow of side dishes and mee sua!

After some shopping at Sinchon, we went to airport for our flight to Jeju Island also known as the "Island of the Gods"

Jeju- Yongdu-am (Dragon Head Rock)
It is a large rock formation shaped like a dragon's head. We did not attempt to walk down the steps as it was too windy and chilling

First dinner at Jeju- Seafood steamboat.
This is so very yummy.. the soup is tasty and 3 adults shared the pot. Other than the seafood, the rest of the stuffs like Vegetables, rice, side dishes are all FREE FLOW!

We finally returned back to our hotel to rest for the night at 8pm

It was a hetic day.. going up and down the coach, taking 2 flights in a day.. We practically took cat naps on the coach in between locations.

Dillion ate whatever stuffs we had for lunch and dinner minus the seafood as I do not want to risk food poisoning.

Anyway he did not eat much as he was full from snacking on the coach!

All the photos for Day 1 & 2 can be found here

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