Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Fawaz's Birthday..

Sat, 22 Nov 08
We were invited to my friend- Faridah's son- Fawaz's 2nd yr old b'day bash on Saturday at their flat's multi purpose hall.

We were on time at 7.30pm but then according to their Indian/Muslim tradition, the buffet would not commence that early..
What can we do with Dillion? well.. stuff him with a lollipop :

Nice banner:

The star of the night:

Fawaz came and gave Dillion a hug when he first saw him at the party.. sweet gesture rite.. pity no photo to show.
He has now grown to be a sociable boy unlike his cranky baby days!!

Cake cutting session first:

They engaged a balloonist and a magician to entertain the kids!

Dillion with Auntie Sheedah:

What is Dillion doing?? instead of watching the magician.. he was busy picking up the confetti

And then kay-pohing as a cleaner.. bringing the tissue box to clean up much to the amusement of all the guests:

Faridah.. i think you should give D your $10 instead to clean up the hall ok!

Not a bad idea to hold a party at the hall.. getting an entertainer for the kids esp older ones is also a great idea but then i think it was the adults whom enjoy it most.
Anyone need contacts for the magician/balloonist (same company).. do let me know.. they can also do emceeing job for you

Photos can be found here

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