Sunday, November 23, 2008

Eating Disorder..

Sometimes when you put in a lil' more effort in cooking for your child and he ends up spitting out your hard work.. his actions really demoralised me!

For the past few days, Dillion have left me bewildered over his eating habits. One day he can eat milky macaroni, apple slices..
Few days later, he would be spitting them out, refusing to eat.

Yesterday.. I boiled Corn soup over the fire for 2 hours to serve with rice for dinner. He spat out every thing.. refuse to even eat a single drop of food.
I was fumming mad.. perhaps he is not hungry as he had his milk 2 hours ago.

Fine.. probably he is in one of his moody days. So we brought him out to a birthday bash thinking maybe he would prefer outside food.
Once again he refused to eat after 5 scoops and preferred to wander about.

Today, same episode again. I did not cook and he did not have his proper lunch and dinner when we are out at coffee shop and my Grandma place respectively.

I'm pulling my hair out over his poor eating habits and I really don't know what he fancy or dislike!!!
He has got mood swing like a woman!

He hates apple slices and preferred them to be purred and recently he starting to munch on them.

Come on baby.. stop confusing your mummy!!! Please revert back to my eat 'everything under the sky' baby

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