Sunday, November 23, 2008

His 19 Months milestone..

Dear Dillion..
Mummy is so overdue with your 19th month's milestone/development.. or rather you have grown so fast that sometimes I kinda lost track on how many months old you are now.

Give thanks to all the time spent with you at home.. taking care of your every needs. Being there to watch you take your first baby steps, hearing you blabbering new words everyday, watching you sleep and waking up together.

You are picking things up fast now and parroting every words and actions after us. You also have a mind of your own and sometimes fickle minded too.. Mummy get confused when you want to be potty trained or whether you will still eat the food that you rejected before.

You will soon be promoted to Toddler stage and no longer a baby.. Mummy hope that your Terrible Two stage will be over soon.

Mummy and Daddy wanna let you know all sacrifices for you is all worth it!

Blessed 19 Months, Dear Dillion!


New Words:
Part - actually 'Fart' .. no prize for guessing whom he learn this word from
Popo - for Hipopo
A, B, C.. sometimes D

Things that he can recognise and point at:
His backside

He can do:
Turn on the tap
Open a zipper bag
Nod or shake his head for Yes/No
Put the cover on the milk bottle after drinking and give it to us for washing
Take out DVD from player and put a new disc in it
Understand instruction : "Go over there get a piece of tissue and wipe your mouth"
Accepting and allowing us to put him on toilet bowl
Bring his snack bowl and throw it into the kitchen sink for washing
Identify most of Daddy & Mummy's clothings

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