Saturday, November 22, 2008

He is walking..

I can say D is now walking much more than crawling although sometimes he forgotten that he can walk and will prefer to crawl instead.

Although he still can't walk steadily and need to raise both his arms to balance.. I'm grateful enough to be able to witness this important milestone.
Key word as other mummies friends have told me is "Patience".. D will surely surprise me one fine day!

Today both of us were alone at home.. and D busied himself walking all over the living room whilst i chill out on the sofa..
Video taken using my mobile thus the poor lighting..

Few days back, when we were at J8.. i held D's hands and we walked a distance. There was this Uncle staring and looking at D weirdly (D raise both his arms as he walked). Hey, my boy is a normal being ok!

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