Friday, November 21, 2008

Why we need bed time routine..

Sometimes people do not understand that its not easy to get a child to fall asleep for the night.
He is not one whom will lie down and sleep the very moment.

Time is spent: Bathing, story telling, milk, etc etc etc..

Then light off.. and then another 30-45 min then a child will go to dreamland..

So that's why night time starts early so that a child can sleep early too.

One know that its not healthy for a child to sleep late..

Only when a person do this daily then they will understand one parent's difficulties in adhering to bed time routine:

"Your baby will be more relaxed if she knows what's coming next," says sleep expert Jodi Mindell. "The more relaxed she is, the more likely it will be that she'll go to bed easily and fall asleep quickly."

When your baby is as young as six or eight weeks old, you can start to follow a set pattern every night; your baby will quickly come to appreciate the consistency and predictability.

What you include in your routine is up to you. There's the standard bath routine, putting on pyjamas, reading a story, having a cuddle, or playing a quiet game. Just make sure you choose something that helps to calm your baby. And while you can certainly start your routine in the bathroom or the living room, aim for it to end up in your baby's bedroom. It's important that your baby's room is a nice place to be, not just somewhere that she's left at bedtime. Making bedtime a pleasurable event, with time, attention and cuddles in strong supply, means that your baby will love the whole process. If she gets upset as she sees you leave after you tuck her in, tell her you'll be back to check on her in a few minutes. She'll probably be fast asleep by the time you return.

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