Thursday, November 20, 2008

More about Korea..

Our travel details for 8D 6N Korea bonanza
Agency:Focal Travel

Important stuffs to pack (for my reference)
Clothings for winter..
For Dillion, I packed:
3 woolen hooded jackets
8 pants
Plenty of t-shirts and singlets

He wore layers of clothes- singlet -> tees -> long sleeve tees -> jacket
How do you know if you child is wearing enough for the winter? if adult wear 2 layers then a child will have to wear 1 more layer.

Packed 50 pieces for a week's usage- mostly Mamy Poko diaper pants.
Korea is baby-friendly. They are foldable changing tables everywhere in shopping malls, stations, air port, touristy areas as well as on the plane.

Formula milk:
900g tin.. left 1/4 on the last day. But left it behind to save luggage space

Plenty of biscuits, bottled food. Do prepare bottled food as food in Korea may not be suitable for toddlers.
Disposable forks and spoons

~Johnson's Baby Washcloths (Good to use when you are tired and want to bath them fast)
~Travel size shampoo/shower foam and body lotion
~8pcs of Face towel (which i discarded them daily as they are already worn out)

~Paracetamol, cold and cough syrup
~Travel size thermometer
~Badgar cold balm
regretted not bringing zam buk.

If you are bringing your toddler on a guided tour, ensure that the diaper bag is packed with their snacks, toys, diapers etc to last them for the whole day because you will leave the hotel early in the morning and will not return untill night.
Read the travel itinery daily so that you can be prepared for the activites ahead.

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