Friday, November 21, 2008

Proper dinning manners..

Few saturdays ago, after D's GUG lesson, we went to Jack's Place for their vaule for money set lunch to satisfy my beef craving (I'm not pregnant). Their NZ SIRLOIN STEAK WITH
only cost $10.30.. its very YUMS!

Since D will be having lunch with us and I did not want to stuff him with only bits and pieces of beef.. I hop over to the supermarket and bought Heinz's jarred Cinamon Porridge for his lunch.

We were pleasantly surprised that D was in an exceptionally good mood.. he finished the bottle without fuss and did not ask to be fed from our table. And he also ate whatever stuffs we fed like soup, bread and bits of steak.
No screaming, spitting out of food, whining, banging of cutlery on table or climbing out of the chair that day.. which is his normal behaviour since its near to his nap time.

We enjoyed our lunch in peace with D's good table manners that I told myself to blog about this thinking my boy is a changed person..

Seem like this boy cannot be praised.. he was back to his normal behaviour the very next day when we were having buffet.. which is nothing new to us.

My lil' punk.. self feeding papaya:

Feeling bored and took off his shoes:

Start pushing his hair chair around the buffet.. thankfully its near to closing.. not much patrons around to tsk tsk us:

So the embarrassed parents took his favourite banana and apple from the buffet line to keep him occupied:

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