Monday, October 31, 2011

HK Sep 2011- Day 3

Day 3- HK Disney Land..

We booked our tickets via our agency and we really prayed hard for good weather because if it rained means our tickets will go down the drain.
If we buy tickets on our own means we had to arrange our own transport. Taking the train with toddlers in tow is a big headache!

We reached there at 10am.. The boys were so excited upon seeing the entrance! It drizzle for a lil while then hot sun came out again.. and its scorching hot sun!

We rented a stroller intended for Damien but the big boy snatch it away..

One disgusting fact at Disney was that its 90% filled with Mainland tourist whom don't give a dammed on why should i queue up?? Its amazing to see majority of adults going for Carousel ride! yes.. i was even fighting for seat with them.. shame on them!
Their embarassing behaviour sorta spoil my mood..

The Street parade started at 3pm

We decided to depart from Disney after the parade at about 4pm as the weather was unbearable and with 3 sleepy and cranky toddler in tow, we decided to return to the hotel on our own via their MTR instead of waiting for the tour bus at 9pm

Many felt we did not make good use of our time in Disney.. i think so too..
Anyhow, we are planning are another trip there again in year 2012 probably in Apr just before Damien turns 2!


Karmeleon said...

You didn't stay in one of the Hotels in Disneyland itself?

Yeah, must plan well if going with Toddlers. Basically all Disneylands have similar layouts. Had looked thru' the attractions online first while in SG, so we knew where to head first for our little toddler and ignored all the rest for later.

The PRCs - urgh. Thankfully not so much in Disneyland except for a few instances. But in Ocean Park - *Faint*, *double faint*.... I wrote about it all on my blog. ;P

D boys' Mum said...

Yes we did not do our homework.. we just wack :p which is why we are planning on another trip to disney and be staying at the hotel! so that the boys can nap in between

Karmeleon said...

We also took the MTR to city after Disneyland. With our luggage! Haha. Bc we didn't want to wait for our transport which was at night. And the taxi costs like $250 hkd.

irris said...

Gosh adults on the carousel? What a sight!