Thursday, October 27, 2011

HK Sep 2011- Day 2

We went on a day tour complimentary of the travel agency. As all of us are not very familar with HK so we thought of just going along with the tour as it also covers cable car ticket to Lantau island.

We start with yum char breakfast think we paid about HKD 70 per adult.
My grouse on dinning out in HK is that most restuarants do not have high chair for toddlers! I think only Mc Donalds have it.

They only have added cushion which is a danger for Damien! We can't eat in peace!

The tour group at Repulse Bay

Aberdeen harbour
On the junk boat where the harbour is home to hundreds of people living on fishing junks

View from cable car going towards Lantau island

At Victoria Harbour

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