Monday, October 24, 2011

HK trip 14 - 17 Sep 2011.. Day 1

We did not go for an overseas holiday trip in Year 2010 due to the arrival of Damien which he was deemed too young to travel.

We make it up in year 2011 with few short getaways to neighbouring countries.

We went to Hong Kong with our good friends as well as our kids in tow. Although is very easy to tour around HK but we chose to book our tickets and hotel via agency so that they can handle our hotel transfers instead of lugging the kids and the luggages around.

We took the Tiger Airways flight at ungodly hour of 6am! This will be that last time that we are taking this Airline because for the 2nd time we took this flight, it chose to rain on both occasions.. Making it worse was no aero bridge in budget terminal. So imagine walking towards the plane under heavy rain although umbrellas are provided.

Some photos to summarise..
Day 1:
We checked into the hotel at about 1pm, had a lunch buffet at the hotel then me and my girl friend went to shop whilst the boys took their nap!

We stayed at Prudential Hotel located above Jordan MTR.

We had an early night as we were all tired!

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