Sunday, August 5, 2012

Nasty bite

It been a awful week for Damien. He was down with cold + cough since last Friday so we took him to see PD on Monday.

Tuesday I spotted a mozzie bite on his left eye socket when I got home in evening. My MIL claimed to have just saw nothing couple of minutes ago so we were puzzled on when or where he got bitten.

On Wednesday , his left eye turned swollen on top and bottom of eye which scared the wits out of us and we hurriedly bought him back to the PD again.

Told his PD that it was so heart breaking to see him in this state and she too , felt so sad seeing him as she been his Doc since birth.

She concur that it was a mozzie/insect bite. Luckily no anti biotic needed as he already on it for his cough .
We were given eye gel - Fucithalmic to apply on swollen area.

Thankfully the swell came down after
2 days and his eye looked normal on Saturday.

Looking better on Saturday.. and if you have sharp eyes, you will be able to spot the tiny bite on his left eye that causes the bad swell!

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